Study 2 - God

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Questions - How well did you understand?

Print off the question sheet. Mark the correct answer to each question and send it to your tutor. Keep a copy for your own reference.

  1. How was the universe formed
    1. By chance
    2. By accident
    3. By the power of God
    4. By evolution
  2. The true God is:-
    1. The God of the Bible
    2. An Egyptian idol
    3. We do not know
    4. The image of Baal
  3. 3. Which of the following are evidence that God exists?
    1. National hymns
    2. Bible prophecies
    3. Traditional legends
  4. In Psalm 139 v 6 the writer says:-
    1. 'Such knowledge is too wonderful for me'
    2. 'God sees and knows all things'
    3. 'God is all powerful'
    4. 'Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising'
  5. The Bible teaches that:-
    1. God is a Trinity
    2. God is a Unity
    3. God is many gods in one
    4. There is no God
  6. By giving His son (John 3 v 16) God showed:-
    1. His hope
    2. His love
    3. His faith
    4. His justice
  7. What does God intend to do with this earth?
    1. Destroy it
    2. Leave it as it is
    3. Fill it with His glory
  8. What is the Spirit of God?
    1. The power of God
    2. The love of God
    3. The freewill of God
    4. The offering of God's son
  9. By what means did God cause the Bible to be written?
    1. His majesty
    2. His Holy Spirit
    3. His truth
    4. His graciousness
  10. In Acts 17 v 11 we read that those at Berea:-
    1. Sang praise to God
    2. Searched the scriptures daily
    3. Stirred up the people
    4. Set the city in an uproar

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Send your answers, with your own name and address, to your tutor or to:

The Dawn Christadelphians
PO Box 760
Kent, DA5 1UB

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