Study 3 - God's Plan and Purpose

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Questions - How well did you understand?

Print off the question sheet. Mark the correct answer to each question and send it to your tutor. Keep a copy for your own reference.

  1. God so loved the world that He ...
    1. Sent the seasons
    2. Gave His only begotten son
    3. Provided the angels
    4. Gave the Law
  2. Which was the second world empire represented in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream?
    1. Babylon
    2. Greece
    3. Rome
    4. Medo-Persia
  3. What did Nebuchadnezzar see strike the statue in his dream?
    1. An idol
    2. A stone
    3. A hand
    4. A sword
  4. What did the angels sing about the conditions on the earth when Jesus is king?
    1. Everybody will do as they please
    2. Everybody will be kind to each other
    3. No one will need to work
    4. There will be peace on earth
  5. Who is to rule the world in righteousness?
    1. The son of God
    2. The apostle Paul
    3. The apostle Peter
    4. The prophet Elijah
  6. In the second chapter of Daniel we read, 'In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom ... and it shall stand ...
    1. for 6,000 years'
    2. for a lifetime'
    3. for ever'
    4. for 100,000 years'
  7. Jesus promised his disciples that they would ...
    1. have wealth and prosperity
    2. sit on thrones to judge the tribes of Israel
    3. have success and happiness
  8. Does the Bible tell us that God intends the world to continue in its present state?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I do not know
    4. The Bible does not say
  9. Where is Jesus at the present time?
    1. On the earth
    2. In heaven
    3. In the grave
    4. In the land of Israel
  10. Paul told the people of Athens (Acts 17) that God had given a guarantee that the world would be ruled in righteousness by the man that God had chosen. What was that guarantee?
    1. The birth of Jesus
    2. The crucifixion of Jesus
    3. The resurrection of Jesus
    4. The ascension of Jesus

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Send your answers, with your own name and address, to your tutor or to:

The Dawn Christadelphians
PO Box 760
Kent, DA5 1UB

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