Study 4 - DEATH

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Questions - How well did you understand?

Print off the question sheet. Mark the correct answer to each question and send it to your tutor. Keep a copy for your own reference.

  1. Which of the following statements are true?
    1. Death comes as a result of sin
    2. All men sin
    3. Eternal life is a gift from God
    4. Good men do not die
  2. Which verse in the Bible shows that death is complete unconsciousness?
    1. Proverbs 9 v 5
    2. Ezekiel 9 v 5
    3. Ecclesiastes 9 v 5
    4. Esther 9 v 5
  3. What human quality does God require of a person who is seeking salvation?
    1. Pride
    2. Wealth
    3. Humility
    4. Happiness
  4. The Bible teaches that God formed man from ...
    1. another kind of creature
    2. the dust of the ground
    3. the water
    4. he did not form him
  5. What is a 'living soul'?
    1. a living creature
    2. an eye
    3. a part of the body which lives for ever
    4. an immortal being
  6. Why was man created?
    1. To look after the animals
    2. To cultivate the ground
    3. To give God pleasure
    4. To please himself
  7. What was the punishment for the disobedience of Adam and Eve?
    1. They were condemned to die
    2. They were beaten
    3. God completely rejected them
    4. They were stoned
  8. What is sin?
    1. The carnal mind
    2. Death
    3. Transgression of God's Law
    4. Human nature
  9. Faith is ...
    1. belief of the impossible
    2. knowledge of God's plans
    3. trust in the unknown
    4. the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
  10. The Bible teaches ...
    1. there is no hope
    2. a resurrection from the dead
    3. a life beyond the grave for all
    4. immortality in heaven for the righteous

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Send your answers, with your own name and address, to your tutor or to:

The Dawn Christadelphians
PO Box 760
Kent, DA5 1UB

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