Study 5 - The Promises of God - 1

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Questions - How well did you understand?

Print off the question sheet. Mark the correct answer to each question and send it to your tutor. Keep a copy for your own reference.

  1. What was the name of the man with whom God was well pleased as recorded in Genesis 6 v 9?
    1. Adam
    2. Noah
    3. Enoch
    4. Abel
  2. How did God destroy the wicked people in the account contained in Genesis chapters 6 to 8?
    1. Earthquake
    2. Famine
    3. Flooding
    4. Disease
  3. How many people were saved in the disaster of Genesis chapters 6 to 8?
    1. 8
    2. 18
    3. 88
    4. 80
  4. How were the faithful people protected in the disaster of Genesis chapters 6 to 8?
    1. They lived in an ark
    2. God hid them
    3. They lived on a high mountain
    4. God took them away
  5. Where did Abraham live before God spoke to him?
    1. Babylon
    2. Bethel
    3. Sodom
    4. Ur
  6. To which land did God lead Abraham?
    1. Egypt
    2. Canaan
    3. Edom
    4. Salem
  7. Was the gospel message preached to Abraham?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Probably
    4. We do not know
  8. When will Abraham receive the final fulfilment of God's promise to him?
    1. He already has received it
    2. We do not know
    3. When Jesus returns to the earth to establish God's kingdom
    4. Abraham
    5. died so he will not receive the fulfilment of the promise
  9. Who was the greatest of Abraham's descendants?
    1. Judas
    2. Jacob
    3. Joseph
    4. Jesus
  10. Which three of the following did God promise to Abraham?
    1. His descendants would possess the land of Canaan
    2. He would live for ever in heaven
    3. His descendants would become a great nation
    4. He would have great riches immediately
    5. Through one of his descendants all nations would be blessed.
    6. All his descendants would be faithful to God
    7. His descendants would always remember the faith of Abraham

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Send your answers, with your own name and address, to your tutor or to:

The Dawn Christadelphians
PO Box 760
Kent, DA5 1UB

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