Study 6 - The Lord Jesus Christ

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Questions - How well did you understand?

Print off the question sheet. Mark the correct answer to each question and send it to your tutor. Keep a copy for your own reference.

  1. The Name 'Jesus Christ' means ...
    1. Saviour
    2. Anointed
    3. Saviour Anointed
    4. Anointed Saviour
  2. Who was the mother of Jesus?
    1. Elizabeth
    2. Mary
    3. Martha
    4. Ruth
  3. Who was the real father of Jesus?
    1. Joseph
    2. David
    3. Abraham
    4. God
  4. In Micah 5: 2 the birthplace of Jesus is given as ...
    1. Nazareth
    2. Bethlehem Ephratah
    3. Bethlehem Judah
    4. Galilee
  5. Animal sacrifices in Old Testament times ...
    1. were a reminder that sin brings death
    2. were to appease an angry God
    3. were the result of superstition
    4. were to provide salvation
  6. Why was Jesus sent 2,000 years ago?
    1. To save the Jews
    2. To be the perfect sacrifice for sin
    3. To feed the poor
    4. To establish the kingdom
  7. Where is Jesus now?
    1. In the grave
    2. In heaven
    3. On this earth
    4. We do not know
  8. Will Jesus Christ come back to the earth?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. We do not know
    4. Possibly
  9. What does Jesus do now?
    1. He controls our lives
    2. He acts as high priest before God
    3. He controls the governments
    4. We do not know
  10. What is the gift of God through Jesus Christ?
    1. Prosperity
    2. Eternal life in the future
    3. Long life now
    4. Peace and quiet now

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Send your answers, with your own name and address, to your tutor or to:

The Dawn Christadelphians
PO Box 760
Kent, DA5 1UB

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